Chain: Pearl’s Department Stores, Inc.
Date Opened: September 1933
Date Closed: May 1988 when Pearl’s Department Stores, Inc. liquidated
Street Address(es) when open (Building name/block) [Current Address]: Main Street [81 East Main Street]
Former Store(s) in Location(s): 1933: Walter J. Mallon store, men’s clothing and furnishings. In 1938, Pearl’s expanded to take over E. W.Knowlton Co.
Later Store(s) in Location(s): video store
Buildings still exist?: Yes
Owners, Managers, Employees: (JIC Note: work in progress)
- Harry Kropsky, first manager
- Aaron Liebesman, manager
Subsequent Owners if sold: Business was liquidated
Articles, Pictures, Ads:
When store was opened, it was the seventh store in the chain. Existing stores were Alburgh, , Swanton, Rouses Point, Chateaugay, Brushton and Potsdam.

Malone purchase with more info on former store (The North Countryman September, 7, 1933 p1)

Announcement of purchase of Malone store (Courier-Freeman (Potsdam) September 12, 1933 p1)

Mallon Store Close out ad (Malone Evening Telegram October 1933)

Pearl’s Malone – Janice Dickinson clerk (Ogdensburg Journal 1975-09-21 p6)
Article on closing (Source: PR March 3, 1988 p17)

Picture from Malone’s Sesquicentennial publication. Note picture was in national trade magazines for Pittsburgh Plate & Glass. (Source: Franklin County (NY) Historical and Museum Society) in 1952.

Pearl’s Malone Store date unknown (Source: Facebook Group “I’m from Malone NY …”) JIC Note: circa late 1960’s based on cars.

Pearl’s Malone (Source: Facebook Group “I’m from Malone NY …”) JIC Note: Probably late 80’s based on cars.)

Aerial view of Malone (date unknown) (Source Facebook Group “I’m from Malone, NY …)

61 Main Street, Malone, site of former Pearl’s store taken in 2015 (Source: Google Maps)